Our Mission
Our Children’s Place of Coastal Horizons Center is a statewide program committed to the children of incarcerated parents. We strive to be the leading North Carolina advocate and educational resource focused on these children and the need for a statewide response to ensure their well-being. Our mission is threefold:
Professionals about the impacts of parental incarceration on children and emphasize the urgency to act.
Contact us if you’d like to schedule a professional workshop or community presentation.
Policies, programs, and practices which improve outcomes for the children of incarcerated parents.
Have school staff members in your community been provided information about supporting children of incarcerated parents? Does your local Department of Social Services support children in their care visiting their incarcerated parents? Is your faith community committed to supporting both those incarcerated and the families they’ve left behind?
Relationships between these children and their parents, not only to benefit the children, but also to ensure that the corrections system, agencies focused on serving families, and surrounding communities understand how best to facilitate these interactions in order to provide the most value.
Let us know if you’d like to learn more about the Parent Days we’ve coordinated. Maybe you below to a group that would like to support an upcoming one. Do you have a contact at a local jail or prison who’d like to talk to us about making Parent Day happen at their facility?